
Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Merry Christmas

I know that it is early to send Christmas greetings, but I promise to post this painting again in December.  In my home there are no watercolours of mine hanging on the wall.  A couple of oil paintings, but no watercolours.  Last year when the Christmas decorations were going up I painted this happy picture of a little girl hugging Santa.  The finished work was stuck to the glass on my internal door.  When the decorations came down - the painting came down too, and is keeping my other watercolours company in my storage box.
I am thinking of taking this one along to the printers to be transformed into a proper Christmas card.
Hope the sun is shining where you are today, but let me be the first to wish you a Happy Christmas for 2012.


  1. I said last Christmas that I'd get cards printed ready for next year - a good idea to get it done now, I should do the same! An early happy christmas to you too Brian!

  2. A beautiful painting by the way - it will make a stunning card x


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